Student Membership

Interested in digital health? 

Health Informatics New Zealand (HiNZ) is a not-for-profit organisation that supports the field of digital health, with a focus on events and professional development. 

Its members include health sector managers, clinicians, IT experts, industry managers, academics, students, and government personnel.


  • builds and strengthens connections between members
  • provides an impartial meeting place for sharing ideas and building knowledge about the use of information and technology in the health sector.

As a student you can join HiNZ for free

Eligibility criteria: you must be enrolled in more than one paper and not in full time employment.

Note: Memberships are individual memberships only. 

Why join

Accelerate your professional development in digital health

Grow your profile

  • Extend your professional networks
  • Meet sector experts via HiNZ events
  • Improve your career opportunities

Value $1900+

  • HiNZ Conference student member registration fee - $399 (standard registration $2198)
  • Free membership to HIMSS (NZ$140 if purchased direct from HIMSS)
  • Access to member-only articles on
  • Access to member-only special offers (valued at over $100)

Your support matters – it enables us to publish, to keep event registration fees low, and to develop additional educational resources. Your support also enables us to remain an independent association, providing New Zealand's only impartial meeting place for digital health.