HiNZ Board Members

BOARD CHAIR - Steve Earnshaw

Clinical Informatics Lead, Provider Engagement & Deputy CMO, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Wairarapa

Digital transformation is critical to improving and changing the health sector. It is this that has motivated my transition over many years from a full-time clinical role to a full time clinical informatics leadership role. I believe that clinical leadership is essential if we are to effectively and rapidly change the health system.

My background is in orthopaedic surgery. I completed my medical training in Sheffield, UK, studied for a doctorate in Nottingham and went on to complete my surgical training there also. I moved to Timaru, NZ in 2004 as an orthopaedic surgeon, but gradually moved into more leadership and management roles. I became Clinical Director for IT, and subsequently Chief Medical Officer. As CMO I led the formation of a South Island Clinical Informatics Leadership Team, and sponsored the Health Connect South Programme that rolled out a single clinical portal system for the 5 South Island DHBs, in addition to a number of other clinical ICT projects.

I moved to my current role working across the three Wellington Region DHBs in 2019. As Chief Clinical Innovation Officer I have worked alongside the CDO to establish a 3DHB governance structure, create a digital strategy, and to strengthen clinical engagement. Over the past two years I have worked to establish and gradually expand a multi-disciplinary clinical informatics team which now has 6 members from a cross section of clinical backgrounds.

I have been an active member of the CiLN Advisory Panel for the past two years, and am also part of the NZ Telehealth Leadership Group.

Outside of health I have a range of general governance and leadership experience. I am a member of the Institute of Directors, and have served on several boards in the commercial, public and charitable sectors.





Product Manager, Karo Data Management

I have made a career in Information Technology for much of my working life which has led me to several opportunities in the health sector. I have had experience in Primary Care, Social and Hauora Services, Telehealth, Data Management, Cyber Security, and strategic development at an executive level and believe my broad range of experience has a lot to offer the board and its membership. Over the past 10 years I have worked in senior leadership roles in Primary Care, Te Whatu Ora and currently in Karo as their Chief Executive. 2 years ago, I began my journey into the social sector to help Hauora providers link into digital services to enable better cross sector engagement.

The shared vision I have for HiNZ is to help the organisation expand into more opportunities which link them into primary and community care including leading initiatives where they contribute to the national data and digital health strategy e.g. Data Standards in Primary and Community Care. I strive to foster new thinking in the health and social sector and continue to challenge the status quo with an aim to contributing to a landscape where digital services can enable those in the sector to provide better outcomes for the clients and patients they work with. I love the mahi I do daily with Hauora providers in the community and hope the enthusiasm I bring to the board and the wider HiNZ community can add value to the future of HiNZ and its wider strategy.


BOARD MEMBER - Sally Britnell

Senior Lecturer, Auckland University of Technology

My name is Sally Britnell; I have a diverse clinical and digital health background. For example, as a Registered Nurse (RN), Ambulance Officer (AO), Academic and Informatician. One of the skills I pride myself in is communicating effectively with people from many backgrounds and acting as a bridge between practice, management and industry. For example, when working in an Emergency Department, as a Practice Nurse in Glen Innes and as an AO, clients were diverse and often from deprived areas of our community where English was not their first language. These roles have taught me adaptability, problem-solving, resilience, and strength and showed me the importance of valuing everyone and the need to change my communication and behaviour to match a situation and people. I believe this is a crucial strength I would bring to the HiNZ Board.

My Current work is as an Academic teaching nursing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels with a particular interest in teaching informatics, innovation and communication. This role has included strategic planning, curriculum design, content development, public speaking and leadership with over 180 students and 15 staff to manage at any time. Similarly, I have worked in developing policy at a school level and been part of a team who developed Guidelines: Informatics for Nurses Entering Practice.

My friends often call me a geek - I have a passion for innovation and hold a PhD in Computer Science (Health Informatics). I am working on two projects in this area. One involves computer vision and remotely measuring children for ongoing care (such as Plunket visits). The other involves working with bio-engineers to develop a guide dog harness that is individualised to both dog and handler (at present, we are investigating 3D printing to achieve this).

As a disabled woman who works with a guide dog, I am keenly interested in Accessibility in Health Informatics. I have several projects in progress in this area, investigating mobile accessibility (non-web-based) guidelines, investigating the disparity in funding and experience obtaining assistive technology between ACC and MSD as well as investigating the convergence of assistive and mainstream technology. My work in this area as an influencer, providing feedback on policy coupled with my diverse background, has led me to become an Invited Expert for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is responsible for the design and upkeep of accessibility guidelines. In particular, I work with the Mobile Accessibility Task Force looking at accessibility in a non-web-based environment.

I believe I am an excellent addition to the board as I bring clinical, computer science and academic experience and pride myself on being a bridge between these sectors. I know HiNZ reasonably well, having been a member since 2014, working as a Co-Chair at conferences, being on the Executive of the Nursing and Midwifery Special Interest Group and being a part of CILN. I bring excellent communication and represent the disabled community while providing knowledge and experience in digital accessibility. I am interested in ensuring academic rigour and ethical influence while working to make the HiNZ board more accessible, inclusive, and available to everyday HiNZ Members. 

BOARD MEMBER - Rosie Dobson

GM Health Services Research and Evaluation, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora

My clinical background as a Health Psychologist highlighted the inequities in access to mental health services and led me to research how digital innovations could make health services more accessible. I have extensive experience in digital health research and have been involved in designing and evaluating a range of digital tools across Aotearoa. I have led research into patient and public views on the secondary use of personal health data. As the potential demand for health data increases, I am passionate about ensuring data is used in a patient-informed way. I am a current member of the National AI and Algorithm Expert Advisory Group.

I am also involved in training the data and digital workforce as co-facilitator of the Clinical Digital Academy at Te Whatu Ora and as the Course Director of a postgraduate digital health design and evaluation course at the University of Auckland.

BOARD MEMBER - Jonathan Hoogerbrug

GP | Product Manager | Sr Harkness Fellow | Founder of Clinical Changemakers

I am a practicing General Practitioner, Senior Harkness Fellow, and Clinical Informatician with over a decade of frontline clinical experience and experience in national clinical quality, safety, and digital health governance and delivery roles. 

I have an MBChB, FRNZGP, a Dip Paeds, and a CHIA and was previously awarded a National Primary Care award for research on remote consultation.  I am also the creator and host of a Podcast called 'Clinical Changemakers', which explores leadership and innovation with global guests.

I am passionate about people, technology, and solving big problems in healthcare. 

BOARD MEMBER - Rachael Page

General Manager, HealthOne

I am the General Manager of HealthOne, the shared electronic health record for the South Island and a member of the HiNZ community for 9 years.

I have enjoyed nearly 10 years of leadership roles in the health sector - collaborating directly with the planners, funders, senior clinicians, operational and administrative decision makers, and digital health vendors across all parts of the health system.

As Programme Manager for several Regional IT Programmes of work, I have had the opportunity to lead innovation, collaboration, and service improvement.

I have worked in both public and private sectors and bring 20 years of service experience design, system and process improvement, governance, and operational management into the health sector.

My personal passion is removing technology barriers for clinicians so they can focus on delivering safe care. In a complex and rapidly evolving health & disability system, I believe collaboration, strong governance and an empowered workforce is vital.  

BOARD MEMBER - Natasha Prendergast

Team Leader Health Information Services, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitematā

I am deeply passionate about leveraging digital health and innovative technology to create positive change in communities. I have a unique background in business, Health Information Management and governance experience coupled with a pacific perspective of diversity thinking, a holistic world view and an inbuilt nature of togetherness.

For the last 6 years, I have been involved in the transformational change of moving to electronic patient health information within Health New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā. I have had the opportunity to implement digital innovations, streamline processes, manage quality improvement initiatives and empower high-performing teams.

As a previous HiNZ Board intern, I am proud to be continuing on as a Board member..  

BOARD MEMBER - Mark Shirley

Chief Innovation Officer | Habit Health

I am based in Dunedin, where I have worked as a physiotherapist in community-based healthcare for over 20 years.

I grew up in Dunedin and studied at the University of Otago and am the Chief Innovation Officer at Habit Health. I am a chartered member of the Institute of Directors and am involved in governance roles in the health industry.

I am a proud Dunedinite and enjoy spending time exploring the many outdoor activities the city has to offer with my wife Olivia and my two children.